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Writer's pictureJeff Johnson

The Critique Cafe | Why Would I Want to Have My Images Critiqued?

Why wouldn't you? Let me throw this back attacha!

We all want to get better at our craft, right? I can only speak for myself but I'll tell ya that over the years having other veteran photographers, or even just another pair of talented eyes look at my imagery has been a huge plus. This is how I've grown the most with the quality of my images.

We make a photograph, enhance it, and think we've done all we can to it. I'm not talking about different variations, mind you, I'm referring to taking an image to its fullest potential. I'm talking about composition, cropping, color balance, density, presentation and more. We may have had an idea of these things when we initially photographed the scene but polishing it off in your favorite software you may have created an entirely different version. That's okay and probably more the rule than not. What I'm talking about is taking an image to its fullest potential regardless of your editing vision. Another set of eyes can only be a positive thing!

The Rhythm of Days End | Jeff Johnson

Clear as mud yet?

Point is this . . . do what you think is necessary to create a good solid image but having another talented soul give you some feedback is priceless. And . . more than one soul is a great idea. Regardless if your image is for a competition or just to hang on your bathroom wall, having another person's perspective is priceless. I can promise you they are going to see other things within your image to enhance, remove and more. Other things you may have missed! Really. Trust me on this!

Okay . . . my experience

I will send my buddy, RIck, an image for his thoughts. I think I may have nailed it and am proud of what I have done only to have him send me back a punch-list of 12-15 things I could do better, differently, more precisely, whatever! Now, at first glance its easy to get disappointed. But I'll tell ya, he's often right and when I work up his thoughts and suggestions, the image gets better and quite often scores higher in a competition.

Having said this, asking for help, doesn't obligate you to do what they suggest. Do consider the source though. If you felt safe asking and trust this person's thoughts then know that they mean well and may be right in their thoughts. But if you disagree, that's cool, too! Offer the same critique help for them. Developing a network of friends or colleagues to bounce ideas off of and returning the favor is huge!

Santa Fe | Rick Avalos

The Image Critique Show

This is the very reason RIck and I started the broadcast. We want to help you with your images. This is why we bring in a guest each month to offer you another point-of-view!

Smart you say? You're darn right! Alright, all kidding aside. We want to help you. We want to share all of what we had the chance to learn throughout our careers. We want you to be stellar at image competition. But more so, we want you to become the best photographer and artist you can become. You're welcome . . . hahaha!

The Guys

And that's why we are here. Rick and I are always willing to help you with your photography and the images you are thinking of entering into a competitions.

We can help with individual images or your entire portfolio. As a matter of fact, we offer an awesome, constructive, and I promise, friendly situation where the two of us will sit with you on a Zoom session and critique up to 25 of your images. Check out this service HERE. We'd sure love to help. Make sure you are submitting your images to the show regularly so you can get . . . More Better! SUBMIT HERE.

Check out images from friends of the show who have submitted to previous episodes for critiques. Get some awesome and creative ideas for your photographs, HERE.

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